Saved or Tired?
Recently things have been feeling different and deep down I know it's the right feeling, but I couldn't really figure out what it was. Even after great conversations with friends I still couldn't put my finger on it. Oh well, I couldn't Worry about it, the only thing I could do was patiently wait for clarification, and until that came, I had to continue moving forward. The feeling feels good but what I was searching for was understanding, and instead of allowing it to consume my thoughts for the day I made the choice to just operate. In the past I have had these "Amazing Days", you know the day you come back home after a successful day at work, the gym, or whatever it is, and you are tired. To the point of exhaustion, mentally and physically drained, and all you want to do is just sleep. I gave it my all and there was nothing left inside of me at all, physically and mentally drained and ready to watch the back of my eye lids. Well, all of that was very true until the past couple of months when things started to become different. In the past I would feel that I was doing everything right when I came home tired and exhausted, and all I wanted to do was sleep. The reason I wanted to sleep was because I wanted to turn my brain off. I couldn't take the brain overload anymore, I was physically and mentally burned-out, and the best thing to do in that moment was to just sleep. As of recent my tiredness wasn't so much of a tiredness as it was more of a let me sit and get catch my second wind. I have experienced a second wind in sports but not so much in my everyday doing, or so I thought.
As I started to focus more on my purpose in life and operate in it, I started to naturally manage my life better. My physical and mental energy was no longer just thrown out there to be used by everyone and everything. I was able to better prioritize where my energy was being used and if it wasn't for the right thing then no energy would be exerted. I started noticing that even after a long day I would come home and hit my second wind. I was no longer feeling worn out, but more of let me take a second to take a few deep breathes, flush out the carbon and dioxide and breathe in oxygen to release the energy needed. As of recent, out of nowhere the understanding started to come to me and I started to realize that I wasn't tired like in the past, because my purpose saved my energy instead of making me exhausted. When you are focused on your purpose and serving others you start to prioritize or manager your life properly. This allows you to save your physical and mental energy for the right things, not draining you to the point you become useless. Operating in your purpose with righteousness saves you from becoming tired and allows you to remain effective.