Why are we fighting?
Is it just me or do we spend a lot of our time fighting? Maybe that is why we are all put off a little bit when something just seems too easy. From birth up until your adulthood we have heard and we will hear just keep fighting and you will make it. Yes, I agree with that statement because there will be times we do have to fight and keep our faith, but are we made to fight so much? It just seems that we have embedded into our minds and hearts that everything we do and be successful in will come as a result of a battle. Well, what if some of those successes come simply because you were obedient? Meaning that you were obedient to your purpose, worked in love, and served others with your gift. Really, could it be that easy? I believe it is true that it is that easy, so why do we keep fighting so much? Maybe we fight so much because internally we have been in this death match between our flesh and our purpose. Instead of saying yes to our purpose we keep fighting to keep it down.
Think about it for a second, when you come across someone who is successful have you ever realized how much peace they are at? It is like nothing phases them at all and they just float on a cloud all day. See, the difference is that someone who is successful understands that the true battle is staying calm and patient while they wait for the final outcome. Patience is a battle in itself but when practiced you are saying I have faith, and from that faith comes inner peace. That inner peace is a result of just believing and letting go. The world fights so much because of impatience and wanting to remain in control instead of living in inner peace and letting go. Maybe we fight so much because we are all trying to keep control instead of just letting it go and have faith. Patience is a virtue only if it is being acted out not just spoken.