We all have it...
We all have been given the same amount of time each day. No matter your status and where you live on earth every one of us receives 24hrs each day. Yes, you are correct my next statement is, and what you do with it matters. I know it is such a cliche but it holds a lot of truth to it. When you really think back in time and look how you spent the majority of your time, you will also see how you got to where you are today. I am not talking about the random stuff but the consistent daily habits you have formed. How you manage your time will shape and mold you into the person you become. If time isn't managed properly then you will start to become someone you don't recognize anymore, and for me I was once at that point. I no longer recognized who was staring back at me in the mirror, because I miss managed the time given to me. If I wasn't managing my time properly, then how would I be able to fix it and get back on track?
After some conversations with some important people in my life it was brought to my attention that my priorities were off. The priorities that I created weren't aligning with the life that was made for me. It wasn't a smooth transition that happened over night that I was right back on track. It took some time, but then it finally happened; I had that Aha moment and realized that time was more precious than any material thing I owned. When we wake up in the morning, we are given time just once, and it is our duty to use it wisely. Instead, we abuse time, because in our head we automatically think it will be given to us again the next day. What happens when we re-shape our mind and protect time like we do any material thing we possess? When we go into protection mode of our time then we start to prioritize our day the right way. In the end that leads us to using the time we have been given effectively, because the right priorities will protect our time. Yes, we all have been given the same amount of time each day to live, but it's our priorities that will help to protect our time.