You're Amazing!!!!

There are days you really just have to take a step back and realize just how blessed you are.  Tomorrow is never promised but you did wake up today and that is what matters.  Your race isn't finished yet and you have been blessed with another day to keep running it.  We have so many distractions around us and so much division amongst people it has caused us to lose focus of our race.  It has caused many of us to not realize just how blessed we are.  Instead we get so overwhelmed with life that we forget to enjoy life.  We have forgotten the importance of laughter and friendship.  Instead we have focused on frustration and a what can you do for me attitude.  We have to get back to enjoying life because that is the way God wants us to live.

It all starts within you, knowing that you're amazing and blessed.  Blessed to start a new day with a new mindset that you're amazing and your race is still going.  You have to throw away the negative thoughts and words and replace them with positive love.  God has made us in His image, and with that we should be honored to be given today to enjoy life.  We can't take this wonderful opportunity lightly by not living today as it was our last.  We have to take control of our day by not losing focus of our race.  We have to take control of the day and not allow negative into our mindset.  We have to take control of our day and enjoy every second we have been given.  You're amazing, so go out and live the day like its your last.    



Life of denial...