Life of denial...
We have been in these shoes in the past and present, and what I am talking about is living in denial and regret. Hating to admit to ourselves and others about the wrongs we have done in the past, but still re-playing the situations over and over again. We begin to regret our past mistakes praying that we never repeat them again physically, while at the same time repeating the actions over again in our heads. Just because we are not doing past actions physically doesn't mean our body and minds aren't going through the same hurt over and over again. The stress and pain one causes themselves by re-living the past can eat away at them. Keeping them from enjoying the life God has redeemed them from, and living a life of peace and joy. Why not live a life of denial instead of living in denial?
When you are living in denial you are not taking responsibility for your actions. Looking for a way to push the blame on someone or something else. Accept that the actions you did in the past were wrong and not right and moving forward you will not repeat those actions. Then you can transition to a life of denial, refusing to give life to your past life. Life of denial doesn't mean you aren't taking responsibility for your actions in fact you have accepted what you did in the past. Now you are no longer living in the past, denying to yourself the access for the past to come live in the present. Stop beating yourself up for past mistakes no matter what they are. Ask God for forgiveness knowing in your heart and your mind that the past is in the past and will not be repeated. Then, live a life of denial never granting the past any access to your present and future.