
We all have inherited a gift but only a few have grown their inheritance while others have allowed it to shrink over time.  Our inheritance even though it might have shrunk will never disappear from us, but it is up to us to find it and grow it.  I am not talking about an inheritance such as a house or money, but I am talking about the gift that God inherited to you.  When we receive an inheritance like a house or money it is easy to put it to proper use making sure that the value grows.  It is easy because we can see it, touch it, and so we take more pride in a physical inheritance.  We didn't have to make any sacrifices to obtain it as the sacrifice was already made so that you could receive the gift.  That doesn't mean you won't have to make any sacrifices in order for it to grow, but the sacrifice doesn't seem big because the physical inheritance is in plain sight.  What about the gift God blessed you with, are you willing to make the sacrifices in order for it to grow?

When we think of an inheritance we only think of the physical inheritance while neglecting the gifts that are inside of us.  For me I knew writing was something that I enjoyed and loved sharing it with people, but I never made the sacrifices for it to grow.  For so long it laid dormant, because I allowed it to shrink to a point that it was over shadowed by everything else.  I never considered it as an inheritance with as much importance as money or other material things.  For so long I allowed the gift of God to sit and do nothing, but that isn't the case anymore.  Everyday I am making the sacrifice to grow my inheritance and use it how He intended for it to be used.  We all have been blessed with an inheritance from Him, but it is up to us to grow it.    




You're Amazing!!!!