Be Honest!!!
As you go throughout life from your childhood and into your adulthood we hear that honesty is the best. As a child your parents or adults tell you to be honest and don't lie especially when you get in trouble, because being honest lessens the punishment. The same concept works in your adulthood as you should just be honest with people. Also, being honest sometimes can hurt as some will say the truth hurts, but at the end of the day at least you're being honest with people. While we are taught to be honest with people we also have to start being honest with ourselves. Being honest with yourself allows you to stay true to who you are.
Being honest with yourself opens the door to you being more confident about yourself. As your confidence grows you begin to attract the positive things or ideas you are focused on. Being honest with yourself allows you to accept who are and begins the growth process. You no longer focus on judgments about you from other people, because it starts to become less important. While it is good to be honest with people first you should focus on being honest with yourself and begin on the road to self gratification.