The Journey!!!!
For the past few months I have been on this journey of discovering who I am and what I like to do. I call this the dating myself phase and I will have to say that falling in love with myself has been wonderful. Some would say that I am a people pleaser and I use to take offense to that. I would get angry and just react without actually understanding what they were saying. Now that I look back I was a people pleaser and sacrificed myself to ensure that everyone else was alright, but never made sure that I was alright. During the start of this journey I was reading an article and it stated how can you love and be happy for someone else if you don't even love yourself and not happy with your own situation. Wow, what an eye opener for me and just made me stop and think a lot. At that moment if someone would have asked me what I wanted to do or what I liked I wouldn't be able to answer the question honestly. That was the turning point and the start of learning how to date myself.
While this dating phase is more focused on me it is allowing me to be good with who I am and know what I want and don't want. With this I am noticing that the important people in my life are finally getting to see the true me. They get to experience someone that is truly more confident and happy and its like starting relationships all over again. Naturally I will say that I am someone that cares a lot for the people in my life but with this new change they are getting a truly happier person. They are not getting a fake person who is trying to create happiness to cover up their own hurt and pain. While this journey or dating phase might seem selfish in fact it is selfless. Its a journey to ensure that my own well being and the well being of others in my life are honestly met. So, next time someone ask you what do you like to do be honest with them and yourself. It might reveal a journey you need to take.