Celebrate the Small Wins!!!!
As I have moved through life and the growing pains that come with it I realized that its not easy. What makes the journey of life worth waking up for every morning to keep going is knowing that I am still working to reach my goal. No matter if it is a personal or professional goal I am working towards I remain focused on the big picture. During any journey you see the end goal while also experiencing little set backs here and there. Also, I have come to realize that there are little wins along the way, but I never took the time to celebrate those little wins. Its those little wins that make the journey worthwhile and they deserve a little celebration.
Acknowledging the little wins along the way to the ultimate goal is important to recognize and give yourself a little pat on the back. Those little wins are the things that keep you going and moving forward in achieving the ultimate prize as it is a reflection that you are on the right path. At the same time those little wins are there for you to keep going and not there for you to settle for less. While the journey might seem long and tiring remember its ok to celebrate those small wins along the way to your ultimate goal.