Do what the Heart Feels!!!

Have you ever done something that when you walk away you feel somewhat complete and pure joy?  You have that feeling like wow what I just did made me so happy.  I call those the Heart Feels, moments in life that you feel after you do something that fills in the part of the heart that nothing else can fill.  Those are the moments in life that you either can take action and keep filling up your heart or just sit back and keep that memory.

Having those Heart Feels are moments in life that is maybe telling you this is what you need to be doing in your life.  Those Heart Feels are actions that maybe should be done on a consistent basis to fill in that little void in your heart.  It can be volunteering to feed the homeless, reading books to little children, helping the elderly couple across the street, or serving your community in some way.  Whatever your Heart Feels action is doesn't have to be a monetary action it is all about continuously filling that Heart Feel moment.  Find out what makes your Heart Feels and take action and if you already know keep doing It.  


Feel the Pain!


Stay Ready don't Get Ready!