Stay Ready don't Get Ready!

 Growing up in my house as a little chap was full of sports.  At some point in time everyone in the house either was an athlete, working to become one or was one at that current moment.  No matter what we all played sports at some point in time of our lives and we were pretty good.  Growing up in a house full of athletes makes for some interesting game nights and little family competitions.  One thing that it taught me was the importance of just staying ready and being prepared.  For me I played at one point four sports in high school and I just had to make sure my mind and body was ready for each sport.  It was so true as my freshman year I was called up to the varsity wrestling team after one of the wrestlers decided to focus on another sport in which he got a scholarship for college, so not a bad move on his part.  Talk about having to stay ready so I didn't have to get ready because going from JV wrestling to Varsity wrestling was no joke, but I did make it to state that year.

Also, the mindset of staying ready so you don't have to get ready applies to everything in life.  Life throws so much at you and if you are not ready it can crush you down to the lowest points.  While you might not have the perfect game plan for every situation that comes your way you can have and be in the right mindset.  Being in the right mindset and being prepared can save you from those moments of defeat.  It allows you to see that you made a mistake but you didn't fail.  Always stay ready so you don't have to get ready!


Do what the Heart Feels!!!


Always Give Thanks!!!