Feel the Pain!
OMG OMG why did I just do that? They said it would hurt, but for some reason I just did it anyways. Yep at some point in time in our lives we have had that conversation with ourselves. Someone is trying to save you from hurt and pain, but no matter what we do it anyways. Then, we think to ourselves yep they were so right it hurts so bad. I bet you wont ever do it again, because you don't want to feel the hurt and pain anymore. Feeling the hurt and pain and not wanting to go through that again is the one action that actually will stop you from repeating yourself. That is so true in life events, but at times instead of feeling the hurt and pain we mask it with other pleasures repeating the cycle all over again.
How are you going to know if you should not keep repeating the same actions if you do not accept and feel the hurt and pain of your consequences? I am a parent to a wonderful and beautiful daughter and I also know that at times she will truly learn when I am not her saver and she feels the consequences of her actions. Sometimes that is the same approach we should have with our life decisions. We didn't manage our money properly, dated the wrong person, or we just went down one path when our mentors and elders said go this way. The learning moment is when you sit there and feel all of the pain and hurt your decisions brought your way. No one wants or likes to feel pain but if they feel it most likely the action will not be repeated again. So, while you might be at a place of hurt and pain its ok to feel it, and feel all of it so that you can tell yourself I will never feel this hurt or pain from my actions ever again!