Unpin Yourself…
There is a life within us that is ready to be unpinned from the walls and lived out. This has been a thought implanted into my mind and heart for the past couple of years. See, a couple of years ago I finally made the choice to see life a different way and I am grateful for that decision. It was time that I started to take back control or power away from things that just weren’t right for me. But it all had to start with changing the way I think, which would provide a different perspective.
I was that “I know” person. Whenever someone was trying to help me correct my mistake the first word out of my mouth was “I know”. I got so good at “I know” it formed this habit of respond first think later mindset. I knew all the right things to do in life, but I kept making the mistake of only seeing my life through an “I know” mindset. I knew that I wanted a different life for myself than the one that I was living but I also knew I could figure it out, maybe. I was taking a chance with life, and I figured if I made it this far on chance I might as well keep going. But I was growing tired of the mundane life, but it was the only way “I know”, only perspective I chose for myself.
There was something on the inside tugging at me, “I know” feelings. I ignored the tug for as long as I could until it was too annoying to avoid. The tug had to be addressed and addressed fast. I was addressing the tug not to learn why I had this feeling but more of how to stop it. I wanted the tug to go away, but no matter how hard I tried it never left. I learned to live with that tug for years. Until one day I decided why not, let’s see what this feeling is all about. After a few days of trying to figure out this feeling I was left with silence. Nothing was coming to me at all as I spent time praying to God asking Him to reveal something, anything. What is this feeling?
Finally, the tug, the feeling responded, but at a very weird time. One day I was eating lunch in front of my computer writing down notes for the second half of my day. Doing as I have been taught and something I practiced daily, write notes to help me end my day the right way. But my hand went on to further write out the tug, that feeling. That tug was myself trying to unpin itself so it could be lived out. I know the importance of writing out ideas and thoughts that come to mind, but I knew that I never did it. I never did it for myself, because I relied on the “I know” mindset, act first think second. I never knew there was this life waiting to be unpinned and lived out because I never wrote out any ideas or thoughts. I never did the first step (write) in order to bring them to life and act out the life that was bottled up on the inside. Different perspective for different living.
I finally wrote out these ideas and thoughts running in my mind. I began to read them daily as they were pinned all over my apartment. As they began to become implanted into my mind I began to unpin the ideas, the thoughts, and began to live them out. Nothing was going to get done with everything just hanging by a thread. It was time to put action to these ideas and thoughts. There is a life within me that is ready to be unpinned from the walls and lived out.