The “Norm”…

The “Normal” life we once knew is over. We have spent decades, years conforming to its ways and standards. The usual now the unusual. The expected now the unexpected. The “Normal” life was meant to be true, but why are we searching for It? It, should have never left us, It was the “Norm”. What are we left with now? Why search for the “Norm” if it no longer seeks us? There has to be another way of life, but what? If “Normal” life couldn’t sustain us then what can? Is it crazy to think that “We” “Us” is all that our lives need or is that unusual? Maybe a life that involves you, your mind, is unusual because the “Norm” never required it. The “Normal” life had it all figured out, provided all the answers you will ever need. Just follow its plan and you will live the “Normal” life, don’t have questions of your own. Why ask questions when you can just read our plan and rely on it.

The “Normal” life that once existed in our eyesight has changed our perspective on what is “Normal” and what is not. We have relied just on our own physical eyesight instead of seeing beyond what the eyes can see. The physical can only see so far, but the visions and thoughts we receive allows us to see even further ahead. At some point we are all left with choice, live the “Normal” life or live the “True” life. The “True” life is the life you were meant to live the life you see in your visions and dreams. A life where the unusual is the usual. Not a life of normalcy conforming to whatever is standard. We should be seeking a life of expectations.

The thoughts, ideas, and words within us are power, and with the right mindset can bring forth life, a life of expectation. Expecting all the right thoughts, ideas, and words bring forth the “True” life we were meant to live. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who ask receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8). God didn’t bring a religion to play defense, trying to anticipate moves all day long. He brought a Kingdom to play offense.

A Kingdom goes forth on the offense claiming and gaining territory. It’s not wasting time all day in prayers, instead His Kingdom is always at work. “But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” (James 2:18). Faith without works is dead, but working with faith brings forth the “True” life meant for you. A life living on the offense, a life of expectancy not normalcy. A life expecting what is Right, not just what is good or ok. A life of expectation is a life of obedience.

Your mind is the door way to your “True” life. What or who you give the key to is left up to choice.


Good Intentions…


Embrace the Quiet