The harder I go forth the more I have to rely on God, my Abba, my source. The harder I go forth the more I realize I need my accountability partners. The mundane mediocre life I was living was carefree. Who did I need to rely on when things were set how I liked them to be set. I didn’t want to push hard, because I wasn’t ready to push myself to a harder level. I really appreciated the level I was at, and I wanted to enjoy it for a bit longer. It’s nice to wake up in the morning and know exactly how the day is going to turn out. Living with no worries in the world is finally upon me. I have finally reached the ultimate level, my level.

For years I have longed for this moment to experience this time where I have reached a place where things are going smooth. As much as I enjoyed the time of living this worry-free life it started to become tiring. I reached this ultimate level, but I found myself plateaued, and no matter how much I tried to adjust things it was same result, tiring. No matter the demands I was putting on myself it wasn’t enough to create any change within me. I thought I was pushing myself hard, but it wasn’t hard enough. I didn’t need to rely on anyone yet, because I was too comfortable on my level. I was comfortable in this peaceful mindset, but I knew deep down I would need to push harder. I will need to push myself to a place where I enter the unknown. Testing the unknown faith, the faith that can’t be seen yet.

I wasn’t becoming solely dependent on people, but I realized I am not Mr. Know It All. For if I was then I would know it all and what would I need anyone for? I do know that I need others in my life to help me along life, for I can’t do this alone. Deep down I don’t want to do this alone, because at the end of the day it is tiring. I need others in my life to help push me to levels I once only believed in as long as it was a movie. I need others to help me stay the course and keep me accountable for the words that I am bringing life to.

The harder I go forth the more I have to rely on God, my Abba, my source. The harder I go forth the more I realize I need my accountability partners.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)


Golden Opportunities…


Seeds, Seeds, Seeds..