Stand Firm…
Stand firm in whatever you choose in life and whatever you do in life. That was a familiar phrase I would hear throughout my life and even up to now. Maybe I have never heard anyone say that exact statement I opened up with, but I can say I have heard similar statements throughout my life. Maybe that is the result of all the sayings packed into one. What I am getting at is that throughout out my life my own life lessons have been trying to teach me to stand firm in whatever I do. I was blessed with a father that would allow me and my siblings a chance to argue our case if we disagreed on something. At the time growing up I never really understood the lesson fully, but I definitely made sure to know the benefits. I will be clear my dad disciplined us, and we could argue our case all we want but when we were wrong everyone in the city knew it. But still, we didn’t grasp the lesson.
I know I used the word argue and please don’t get mislead, because we never have and never will yell at our parents in a disrespectful way. Let’s say we were given chances to plead our case and we would plead as long as possible especially if we knew we were about to get it. Even though my siblings and I might not have grasped on to the whole lesson at the time we did learn to stand firm. We learned to stand our ground and believe. During some groundbreaking moments we would stand our ground and believe in what we were saying and come out victorious. We would win those rare cases because our parents would understand our thought process in the moment. We loved our parent’s reward and really treasured those moments because it built this self-confidence. But still, we didn’t grasp the lesson.
As we started to get older my pleadings became way longer. Somewhere along the way I took for granted my parents reward and began demanding my reward. At the time my mindset was look at me I am untouchable. I stood firm in my sports and education. Yes, I mess up here and there, but my grades are good, and colleges are looking at me for football. But still, I didn’t grasp the lesson.
I finally grasped the lesson when after the first year of college and I had to hang up the football cleats. Finally coming back home to my parents and putting my head in my dad’s chest. Asking what happened I stood firm like you told me to. I only learned half of the lesson, while my parents were trying to save my whole life. My dad finally explained that I never practiced standing firm and accepting my consequences. Instead, I learned and practice to always plead my case even if I had to plead it for years. Many times, I would plead a false case for years, finally accepting my consequences. Putting me years behind in work but back in the right mindset.
Stand firm in everything you do no matter wrong or right, but always have the same outcome, thankful. Thankful for the lesson in thought in the current moment. Maybe some wrong actions steps were taken along the way, but if the right mindset is current the wrong steps will be corrected towards the right direction. Never allowing for you to look or step backwards.
Stand Firm. Don’t be satisfied with a mediocre life. Mediocrity is a lifestyle, but excellence is a choice (Dr. Myles Munroe).