Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

“Business was good, but my love was dwindling away…Had to shut down the noise to hear myself…A lot of complaining coming from my mouth”…

No one I hope deliberately goes out of their own way to be the complainer, but it can happen. We might not realize it or maybe we do and just don’t want to admit it yet, but we can end up being the complainer for the season or longer. I had to come to the realization that I was not becoming the complainer but was the complainer. Every time one of my co-workers would reach out to me or I reach out to them the complaining would begin. But I couldn’t blame anyone for the complaining because I was allowing it to enter into my everyday conversation. Slowly overtime my love for myself, my neighbor, my business partners, and those around me was fading. I was becoming too reactive towards everything instead of asking for guidance.

“My dear brothers and sisters, take not of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry; because human anger does not produce the righteousness that Yah desires.” (James 1:19-20, NIV)

I was becoming this old little angry man, but business life and life were going well. But because they weren’t really going according to some of my plans, I was allowing anger to slowly develop as my complaining grew and grew. The sound of my voice was the voice of a complainer, but I couldn’t hear it. As time went on I didn’t need to hear the sound of my voice as I was witnessing a slow decline in business and the separation form the Holy Spirit. My love for myself was dwindling as the love for Yah was slowly creeping away from me. I was pushing love out of my heart and mind and allowing this voice of complaints to take over. But until I was ready to surrender my complaining voice and taking quick hits of success as I got someone to see my viewpoint, business life and life was slowly dying.

No matter how long or how many times I prayed for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom nothing was happening. No matter how many times I would reach out to my business partners and co-workers nothing was being generated. My voice became louder than my Abba’s voice, my Yah. My voice of complaining allowed anger to filter into every aspect of my business life and life. Business life and life were dying a slow death as I was out of His alignment and righteousness for what His will needs to be done. I was too busy focusing on my willingness for everyone to hear me complain and agree with my complaints while I shut out Yah’s voice and likeness. My disobedience to His will was what needed to be fixed within myself.

“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commandments. as you have heard from the beginning, His command is that we walk in love.” (2 John 1:6, NIV)

Business life and life was living in a world of complaints as I began to slow down and hear my voice. I was physically producing what was being produced from my mouth. Every conversation full of complaints instead of solutions. Every conversation full of complaints instead of the right results. Every conversation was full of me and less of Yah. I had to stop and hear myself speak to realize that I was the one in the way. I had to make the choice to choose the right voice to speak and act from. I need to speak with His love, and act with His love. Because the love of my complaints was becoming tiresome.

I was realizing that while business life and life was good it wasn’t right where it needed to be…in His hands and not in my self-complaints…


The Push…


Saving Ourselves…