
Before we come to any conclusions, I will make myself clear. I love to rest and relax, actually I do it every single day and I absolutely love it. I will be honest I don’t always rest the way I am supposed to rest but I am consistently making an effort to make right choices to get me back on track to proper rest. The rest I am referring to is being placed or supported so as to stay in specified position. I have many thoughts in my mind and at times I can find my thoughts just running wild. These thoughts while amazing can also take me to a future place in thought that starts to re-shape my actions. I begin to take a small thought and just go crazy and think of the wildest ideas. I begin to get stuck on these ideas, my mind at this point has no time to rest as we are off on making this vision reality. All the while my original thought, the original idea that might actually lead me to this crazy vision is sitting there waiting on me.

During those moments of just going crazy in thought there is no rest at all. I am no longer supported by my original thought that was placed in me to help create structure and rest. During those moments I begin to take life into my own hands draining the body of all its nutrients. I knew that I couldn’t keep this up and needed to think of a way to prevent me from making this repeated mistake. I will be honest I am not perfect and have little thought crazy moments, but they are managed properly. It wasn’t hard to realize that if I had thoughts all I had to do was write them down. That simple…Rest…write every thought down.

Many times, when we should be resting in our original thought we go off on this great adventure. While it might be great at the moment it might not be the right time. There is nothing wrong with resting right where you are planting your roots in solid foundation. That moment of rest is the right support you need as you focus on your journey. That moment of rest is actually both action and rest; listen and repeat. That moment of rest is for you to rest your mind, block out any outside noise, listen to the guidance you are receiving. Put forth action…Rinse and Repeat…

That moment of rest in your journey is that moment you begin to mentally and physically act out faith knowing that you are supported. “But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” (James 2:18).


The Valley…


I Don’t Know…