Potential, Purpose, Belief…

We potentially possess the exact It we need to fulfill our purpose, the one thing or things we were designed to perform. While we strive to go forth and unlock all this potential inside of us, we set forth on this course to conquer the world. Day after day, minute after minute, people high fiving us as we strive us on to our goals. All this built up potential ready to burst forth out of the seams. Everywhere we turn its positive lane as the love pours forth out of each door. All this built-up potential starting to shine through us.

How much longer can we really hold all this light in? We know people aren’t smiling at us just to be nice, there is something that they see within us. There is this light, this potential, this gift from God that is wanting to burst through the seams. This built-up potential, crying to be let out. We know the time is coming near to where the potential will start to come out. A time where our light will finally shine for the world to see. We see our purpose; the thing or things God wants us to perform. We strive towards them, our goals, ready to take charge of the command for our life and let our light shine forth. As we get closer and closer to our goal, as we begin to see the finish line…Is this where we are supposed to be?

How can we question ourselves on the last leg of the race, the last chapter of the book, the last interview question. How can we get so close to the end and begin to question at the wrong time. These questions should have been answered at the beginning not at the end, but when this all started there were no questions. There wasn’t any doubt we were on the right path, all the signs pointed right to this path, we know this is where God wants us to be. We took that first step of faith, no matter if we believed or not, we just knew we had to be here…...

Faith, complete trust or confidence in a thing or person. Belief, an acceptance that a statement is true or exist. We might have faith in something because we have seen it done once or twice, but do we believe it will happen every single time? We visioned ourselves crossing the finish line, completing that goal, beating our personal best time, but do we believe it will happen every single time? Do we believe in our God given gift? We have faith in God and believe in God. Do we believe the gift He gave us will give us the life we deserve? Do we believe we can optimize the gift He gave us? Do we believe in us? Do we have believe?

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

It’s easy to believe in God and have faith in God. It’s another thing when we have to also have faith and believe in us. Having faith that the gift everyone else sees and we see is meant for us, believing it’s for us. Believing we deserve this amazing God given talent that shines so bright…But potential stored up ready for the right moment to shine through. No matter how young or old, we are potential…Those abilities that may be developed and lead to a future success or usefulness remains. Remaining right at the seam, ready to burst forth…Waiting for that complete belief…


Mentally Physically…

