Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind…

I was working hard and diligent or so that is what I thought. I was waking up every morning consistently going to My God, My Abba first thing to thank Him for waking me up. I did my morning routine with consistency day in and day out. Wake up Thank Him First, chug water, pray, turn on some music, brush the teeth, cold water on the face, and off to some early morning activity; gym, surf, or laundry mat with Audible (mental workout day). My consistency was developing good habits, good routines to help keep me focused. As time went on, I remained faithful to my routine. Yes, I had some days when things might have gotten a little off track but for the most part my daily actions were intended for good.

As I focused to remain faithful to the journey, I remained faithful to my routine, those daily actions that kept me on track. As in life when we take the time to be diligent in our work and remain focused, we can’t afford to get stuck in our daily actions, daily routines. I fell into that hole of being focused on my routines that kept me close to My Abba. But there was one thing in that my daily actions, my routines, my own personal goals those needed to get accomplished first before I felt close to my Abba. As my Life’s Activity, the Activity My Yah put in me to do, tugs on me to keep moving forward I keep running back to my routines. My routines made me feel secure, made me feel I was participating. I didn’t want to be judged for stepping into new life routines that God placed for me. I was comfortable in my actions.

As Life’s Activity tugged more and more on me for some reason I kept running back to my routines. Life’s Activity was pulling me toward a new trail, but my routines weren’t ready to be let go. I knew I needed to move forward, I knew it was time to gain new strength, new endurance. It’s not my daily actions that should be the focus or defines who I am. But the Activity of my Life’s Journey is the focus. My Life’s Activity is what My Yah put into me from the beginning. It’s not actions or the process of doing or making something to achieve a goal that is the focus. But it’s my Life’s Activity, the condition that I need to become in order for the right things to happen in my Life to happen. For when the right things in my Life are happening according to His will then We can all move forward together in our Life’s Activity as One.




The Playground…