Keep Focus…
“Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…”
I need to keep my focus wherever I go because staying focused had me isolated. Almost three years ago I had the best worst thing happen to me and that was being laid off. I guess some will say it was because of The Vid, but I have to be real with myself. Apart of the problem was that I was comfortable and stayed in that comfortable position. I stayed focus on the things that got me to the point of getting a call and being asked to run a few departments for a home health agency. I stayed focused on how I got there and was isolating myself. I isolated myself to the point that when things got tight “money”, I was informed that my position was being dissolved due to lack of “money”. In my eyes all I did was isolate myself to make it easy to pick me out of the line up. It was hard to bring new ideas to the table when I stayed focused on Me instead of keeping my focus of the consistent change.
I stayed focused on the past while I was being asked to keep focus with the present changing times and find the opportunities. I will say towards the end I was able to bring some new ideas to the table that was helpful, but I stayed in the past too long. By the time I realized that the past has forgotten me and past me by it was too late. But its not until almost three years later I finally understand why it happened. I thought for the longest time it was me and my skills that were just not up to par. For almost three years I had this in the back of my head that maybe my skills aren’t as good as I might think. For almost three years I again stayed focused instead of keeping focused and keeping up with the changing times. See, change is consistent and keeps moving but I stayed consistently focused on the past and my consistent staying had me isolated. As much as my body was present I was mentally staying focused on Me. It was hard to provide the right help while I was partially still on Me.
Fast forward and The Holy Spirit is allowing the understanding to come through. Or maybe its best said I am keeping focused on moving forward and not staying focused on Me. As I keep my focus I have to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance because I don’t know what the next hour, day, or week will bring. When I stayed focused on me it was easy to predict exactly what I was going to do almost everday. As long as I stayed focused I was staying focused on the things of the past and neglecting the consistent change that was happening right in front of my face. Yes, I do use my brain and make plans accordingly but I know I can’t rely on the past Me anymore because in reality He is no longer relevant. I won’t dismiss my past achievements and neglect the hard work and what I was blessed with. But as I learn to keep my focus I am learning that it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him, My God, My Yah. Keeping focus is keeping the Holy Spirit as my guide in both business and in life. Because my life is my business, and my business is my life. If it is to move forward in the right way as designed by God to move, then I have to keep my focus on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 KJV)