Get Un-Motivated…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind…
Sometimes we need to un-motivate ourselves. I found myself getting stuck in ways that helped to motivate the wrong things in life. Let me also add I found myself getting stuck in ways that were sometimes good but not the right thing in life. Many times, it was all very simple in that no matter what I was doing I was motivating something. No matter if it was the wrong, thing, the good thing, or the right thing at some point all my motivation was towards one of the three. In a world that is constantly changing it becomes tricky on where to spend my motivation. It wasn’t so much of peer pressure to live up to a standard than it was living to the unpredictable, ever-changing standard of life I placed on Me.
No one could ever be harder on Me than I ever was because I lived to a standard of life that was to be honest impossible to live up to. I was never satisfied as my motivation was towards whatever could get me to the next level. If I have to satisfy an already satisfied motivation I was there for it. I was motivated towards what was good for me at the moment, not always wrong, not always right, but always good for me. As I worked hard to stay motivated and pressing forward, I began to feel life press harder upon me. The harder I pressed forward the more life put back on to me. As I began to carry my badge of honor with all of the World’s problems on my shoulders my motivation began to fade.
I was fighting an ever-changing battle that I wasn’t really prepared for, and to be honest I was overwhelmed. My motivation was being motivated for me and the more I put on me the more the World put on me. I wasn’t made to carry this load, I wasn’t being motivated right. I had to un-motivate some motivations that maybe wasn’t always wrong, maybe good, but rarely the right motivation. It was time to un-motivate those motivations that can no longer be a part of the journey. It was time to stop sitting and talking, and maybe for once be motivated to put forth consistent right action. Everyday might bring on a different self-imposed attitude, but I know if I choose the right motivation everything will be ok. I want to be more consistent in the right things of life and be motivated to stay in that mindset. I know that I am not perfect and will make mistakes, but I won’t fail nor allow myself to think as a failure. It was time to un-motivate that self-imposed self-doubt and be motivated for Us. For when I am motivated to live for Us, I know I have to bring my A+ game, everyone does, Siempre…