Fingers Uncrossed…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind…
That secret self-doubt was secretly stealing my progress. The other day over the weekend I had to have an honest moment with myself as I saw myself going through the same cycle over and over again. This mental cycle of being stuck in this never-ending loop of frustration, anxiousness, fear, while on the outside looking like everything is Cool. I would find myself wishing, hoping, and praying until I turn blue in the face. Just waiting for that on-time miracle to happen, but it wasn't happening. All I was doing was working myself to exhaustion hanging on by a thread.
I was wishing, hoping, and praying for this on-time miracle that just never seemed to come on-time. But secretly I was crossing my fingers to give this on-time miracle a little extra boost. But all I was doing was allowing my secret self-doubt the ability to live in my reality. No matter the progress I made or the promises I see coming I would cancel everything out once those fingers crossed. I realized I had to come to the table with fingers un-crossed. I realized I had to come to the table already with my faith built up, fingers uncrossed ready to keep moving forward as doors are opened.
We might not know exactly how the plan will turn out but that isn’t our focus. We just need to be focused on maintaining our faith beyond what our own physical eyes can see. Knowing that if we come to the table with an open heart/mind and no fingers crossed we leave the door open for what is right to shine forth. It all came to point when I was no longer good with everything just being Ok. I want more, We want more…We deserve more. Our visions, dreams, thoughts, and ideas deserve to be lived out exactly how they were intended to be lived out. I knew I just needed to come to the table with no fingers crossed with an open heart/mind ready to live how God, my Yah intended for me to live.