Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind…

Yesterday I didn’t wake up on the right side of the bed but I had a choice to either enjoy the day or force the day. I could have either allowed my own personal feelings to get in the way and force how I was going to move or choose another way. To be honest it felt way more natural to just let my feelings spill out and just go through the motions. But I also knew that if I chose this path then my day would be forced upon me by my feelings. I know at times I can get the best of me and I wear every emotion on my sleeve. Maybe it seems ok, but I knew it wasn’t right because instead of being focused on the overall picture I would have been focused on Me. How can I just get through this day, how can I force goodness upon myself so that I can feel good and just make it through this day.

I have hit a point where I don’t want to just make it through the day I want to be victorious throughout the day. So, I had to really think to myself am I going to force the day and force my feelings upon everyone, everything, and myself. Or am I going to be victorious by putting aside my feelings and enjoy the day, enjoy every moment that is brought my way. No one is exempt from having days that are much harder than the previous, but we do have control over our choices. I knew that I wasn’t going to let my own personal feelings stand in the way between what I can physically see and what I see beyond my physical sight. I might have woke up on the wrong side of the bed but I am still going to enjoy this moment. I am going to enjoy every moment because at the end of the day I woke up. I woke up to another beautiful day no matter how I am feeling I am able to experience another day in this wonderful Kingdom.

There are so many opportunities all around us. Some of those opportunities are placed before us to help us later down the road when things are really rough. Then, there are some opportunities placed before us to help us now when it is rough. If we are too focused on our own personal feelings, waking up on the wrong side of the bed, or waking up on the right side of the bed, we can miss a great opportunity. We might never know what is right around the corner in life for us. But one more step in the right direction with the right mindset might be just that one step we have been seeking. Don’t force the day but enjoy the day, enjoy every moment we have been given.


Stress Test…


Fingers Uncrossed…