All these distractions surrounding me trying to be the diss-track to my life’s tracktion. But something else was happening as well, questions…
I have been a man after God’s heart trying to understand all the knowledge, He has provided to us. The journey has been amazing and not at all what I expected it to be. I have experienced more of life now than I ever have, because His words are made to be acted out in our daily living. Instead of spending my whole day reading the bible and praying, I have been living the life God intended for me, for us, for We to live. I have become more focused in so many aspects of my life that have been neglected throughout my life. One of the main aspects has been my creative side. A side of me that has always been hidden way in a dark cave. I have always loved and appreciated the arts as you get a glimpse into the inner workings of someone’s mind. Sometimes an explanation might be needed for a particular art piece but usually someone else is able to see what the artist sees. Allowing them to explore another section of their mind through the eyes of someone else, added value.
Writing is a section of art that was calling me for a while but once I answered the call it opened a whole new World. A World full of love, peace, and joy. A World that every time I enter, I get caught up and drift off to my island typing away while the waves crash. As I frequent my island more and more, I begin to transfer more love, peace, and joy into my daily living. Allowing me to strengthen relationships in my life and deal with life’s pressures with more calmness. For the past couple of weeks my trips to my island have been increasing as life’s pressures was distracting me. It hasn’t been bad being in my peace, joy, and love. The time allowed me to explore different paths for writing and start to work on a few new and old projects. I was excited and it was exciting. At least for the first week or so it was exciting, but something strange started to happen. I started to become tired. I couldn’t explain it, but my body was giving out on me. Nothing I did added any value to me.
My mind went completely blank when it came to writing any new material. The only thing I could do was work on writings already written, because no new words were coming to thought. I was trying to figure it out and came to the conclusion “Writers Block”. Duh, obvious assumption as I am a writer and writers have writers block, right? For a short time, I was ok accepting that I just have writers block and my mind was tired and needed a little R&R. As a day or two went by the tiredness was still there. I thought by giving my brain a break for a little bit it would add value back to my writing creativity, but I was wrong in the moment. Being stuck in my World on my island secluded me from the one thing that was adding value to me, people. I became distracted by life and flew away to my island only to find out that I was the diss-tracktion to my life’s tracktion. I was making progress, but I allowed everyday distractions distract myself from the value I needed. I went away to my island seeking value. I realized that I only fly away to my island to write about the value added to my life throughout my daily living. My island isn’t an escape where I look for value, but a place where I do my part. As I go throughout my day the people I interact with are adding value to my life, and it is only right I add onto what has already been added to me. I realized that I need people more than I thought. Added value…
Sometimes in life we can allow distractions be the first track of our diss-track to ourselves. We get so distracted by everyday distractions we become agitated no longer in control of our actions as our mind searches for an escape route. But not all distractions are attempting to take us off course as “some distractions” are there for a lesson. But the lesson can be distracting because we fail to see. These “some distractions” might not be there as a distraction but there for us to write a new single. One that tells a story of a how an ordinary life pressure actually freed the mind and opened up a new section, adding value.
A destination might have many routes, but a clear path is never guaranteed. At any moment traffic can build up, oversaturated with cars. Does one stay knowing by faith the route can open up at any moment or fly away? One might want to fly away so they won’t be distracted by stirred up anger causing them to get thrown off course. Maybe the “distraction of anger” was trying to get one back on track and work on anger through patience? I know what I only know but something to think about.