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When we stop seeking His Kingdom and Righteousness our value of life dwindles to a mere 30 pieces of silver. Zechariah 11:13 speaks of His price and says, “…I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.” Then in Matthew 26:15 it says, “…And they covenanted with him (Judas Iscariot) for thirty pieces of silver.” Judas life for me was an example of grabbing onto His word, letting go, and being left alone in the wilderness left with CHOICE. I can go ahead and take the easy route, Death. Or I can choose life and faith and begin to walk Free of my past mental choices?

In life its easy to choose the easy road because we might not think life is worth living or worth more than a mere thirty pieces of silver. In reality that is true because life is more than thirty pieces of silver. Life is more than living through it thinking the negative. That resource, silver, is just a mere by product of the things added to our lives for first Seeking His Kingdom and Righteousness. We simply make a choice of working for the thing that once was added to our lives just for being Us. In life we are told to be ourselves but not taught why its important to be ourselves. In Matthew 6:33-34 it says “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefor no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Instead of working for the byproducts of life we are meant to Seek His Kingdom and Righteousness and not to worry for things that have not happened yet. If we are to be ourselves then life is worth more than thirty pieces of silver. How can I put a value on a life I hope to experience without applying any of the right life-style practices into my current life style?

The wonderful and beautiful process is knowing that in all things seeking His life over thirty pieces of byproduct comes with the promises of His Word for a simple act of choosing life over product. Products are thrown into our faces everyday and there are times we come across a few things that can add some value to our lives. But at the end of the day seeking His Kingdom and Righteousness has been the life choice that has added this unbelievable love. Its hard to worry, its hard to have doubt, its hard to rely on something else when now I am finding out what it means to be taught to live. To be the Me that He wanted Me to be and live. I have come to realize that the 30 pieces of silver I once worked for limited the life I could live. I realized for myself that the 30 pieces of silver I was working for was draining me of His Love that He had for me. I was tired of being told to be me, and I was ready to live the life He had for me.

I reached the point where I was tired of hearing the words and I wanted to put His words into action. The only way I was going to be taught how to live the life He had for me was to first Seek His Kingdom and Righteousness. What is being said in Matthew 6:33 is a command for our lives not just a man speaking simple words but Diligent Words. Jesus was speaking words that we need to hear with intelligence so that we can be taught how to apply His words so we can live the life He intended for us to live. When we do that first then those things we worry about are taken care of. The byproduct we use to work for is now back to being added to our lives. When I stopped focusing on the 30 pieces of silver and began to make the choice to focus on Him first, I began to experience the life He intended for us to live. A life with no limitations such as the life I once lived.

“But, seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)


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