Everything or Something?
At times we can limit our everything into only something. One of my favorite bible verses is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." In college before my football games, I would write this verse on my wrist tape, I even got it tattooed on me. The verse meant so much to me and gave me a feeling of confidence and strength when I read it. The verse is great and speaks to me, had me walking with my head up and chest out. The verse at the time meant so much because it gave me this reassurance that whatever I put my mind to I can do. It is true as long as you believe and have faith you can accomplish everything. As I have gotten older and think back, I would focus on this verse mainly during what I would call my "down" moments. You know those moments where you need to find that extra push to get your mind back right or to get you through. I have realized that I was limiting my everything into only something. For me the verse would have said I can do somethings instead of everything.
Many times, people read into things instead of reading out of them, and I was doing this. I was reading in my own interpretation and understanding instead of trying to understand where the author (Paul) was coming from. I was putting a limitation on myself because I lacked understanding. Only sometimes I could do everything because of the strength Christ provided. In verse 12 Paul states he learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. To be content is to be satisfied and happy, and so Paul is saying no matter the situation the secret is relying on His strength that He gave us. For me when I was down, or things weren't going my way I would cry out for His strength to get me through. When things were good, or I was feeling like superman I didn't rely on His strength. I neglected Him and didn't think to thank Him for those good moments. I was setting limitations on myself.
Now that I have a better understanding of what Paul was saying I have more amazing days than good days. I no longer cry out to God to provide me strength to get me through or strength to keep me focused. I wake up content, go throughout my day content, and go to bed content. I can get through any and everything, I can enjoy any and everything, I can do any and everything because of the strength He has already given me. Why would I beg God for something that was already given to me? In the "down" times we already possess the strength to get us through whatever we are dealing with and stay on course. In our "up" times we already possess the strength to fight temptation, stay focused and stay on course. With everything be content, be happy and satisfied because you already possess the strength you need to stay the course. "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."