You never know......

This has been a very interesting week to say the least, but it really drove home an important message to me.  That message is that we all need each other, as we never know what others are going through.  The week started off with hearing a beautiful message from someone who has been apart of my life sense I was eight.  His message was that we never know what mental battles others are going through, and the right thing to do is be there for them.  Also, we ourselves go through mental battles and we should take action and reach out to others.  In both circumstances it drove home the message that we need each other and we have to stay connected.  

I myself had a really rough day this week and it was just hard to snap out of it.  I sat there and prayed, paced my home back and forth with tears rolling down my face, but still I couldn't snap out of it.  Then, one of my really good friends who lives in New York gave me a call.  When I saw her name pop up my immediate thought was why now, like why are you calling me right now.  But, no matter how I was feeling I answered her call, and immediately I could feel the negative fade and the positive come through.  We ended the conversation on a positive high.  Then, a day later another good friend of mine reaches out to me, and said I feel like I just need to have a conversation.  Come to find out he was having a rough moment and knew he needed to reach out to someone and just talk.  In both circumstances it drove home the message that we need each other and we have to stay connected.  

Iron sharpens iron and that is only done when they are connected.  We sharpen each other when we are connected.  We are better together!     


Who's the Boss?


You are what you eat...