You are what you eat...

You are what you eat, and depending on what you eat will determine who you are.  In a literal way it does make sense right?  You live a life of eating the right foods like our parents and grandparents have taught us.  Making sure to eat fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, you know the food pyramid that most of us were taught as children.  When you follow it the right way you are feeding your body properly, and in return your body functions properly.  When you have formed a habit or subconsciously eat "healthy" everything in your body works how it was designed to work.  Not being clogged up, because you are feeding your body right.  But the same thing happens in reverse when you form a habit of eating improperly and overindulging.  You become sluggish and start to fatigue so much that your body can only function in spurts, and then goes back to a sluggish state.

It's not just with food that we become what we eat.  What we feed our mind plays a big role into who we are.  As children growing up we were feed all this information from our parents, teachers, friends, television shows, the list could go on.  The point is that we were feed information that we ate on in our minds that got engrained into our being that formed subconscious thinking.  Just as in literal eating food we have subconsciously either created right habits or bad habits.  You can listen to all the self help books and attend every motivational conference on earth, and still you will revert back to your subconscious thinking without really thinking about it.  If someone really wants to see change, then one needs to change what they feed themselves, and re-form their subconscious the right way.

We live in a time that is so great if you want to be an entrepreneur and go out and serve the world with your talents.  While many will take that step of faith and start that business, many will fail and go right back to their comfort zone of employee.  The reason so many people fail because they subconsciously revert back to the mindset of an employee.  Many of us have been trained at a young age to be an employee not the employer.  So, subconsciously we will keep reverting back to the employee mindset until we change what we eat on.  If you want to see change then start to change your subconscious mind by changing what you feed it daily.  Most of the time the change we are waiting on is US.   

You never know......

