Purpose over Pleasure...

This is a follow up to yesterday's blog, which I discussed who is your boss.  In the blog yesterday I was discussing making the right choice in who you will allow to be the boss over you.  Also, that subconsciously we might have placed things or people as the boss over our lives, and we have been given the power to control our emotions and actions.  When you have placed the wrong thing as the boss over your life these wrong things can control your emotions and actions in a way that you are thrown off course.  It will throw you off course to the point that it is throwing you off of your purpose, and that is a dangerous place to be.  When we place the wrong things as our master, we start to desire for whatever that thing wishes and pleases, and when it isn't right, we are choosing pleasure over purpose.  

That is why it is important that we use wisdom to be able to discern what is right and what is not.  When we are operating in our true purpose it is also pleasing, but it is pleasing in the right direction.  When we operate in purpose, we are no longer pleasing the flesh, but pleasing and serving others with the gift that was already in us.  When we are serving our pleasures, we are just serving ourselves, ensuring that we meet our selfish needs first before others.  That is something we have to be aware of each and every day, are we pleasing others or pleasing ourself?  Purpose over Pleasure...    


By Product of Life.......


Who's the Boss?