By Product of Life.......

We spend so much of our time chasing things.  I wrote on this a few months ago in regard to us on this chase, but the harder we chase things the harder they run from us.  As I discussed previously, we have taken a childhood game of tag and implemented it into our adulthood.  For some reason we forget about the key concept.  The harder someone chased us the harder we tried to get away.  So, why keep chasing?  Chase the bag, chase after your passions, chase, chase, chase.  We spend so much of our time chasing after things.  It's like we are a dog chasing after our own tail.  Once we get the tail, or what we have been chasing, it immediately escapes our grasp, and the chase is back on again.  Instead, we should be focused on gaining knowledge and understanding.  

When we gain knowledge and understanding we start to understand the purpose of the things we have been chasing.  Once that starts to happen then we stop the chasing, and start to utilize our best resource, our mind.  Once we start to think and apply the knowledge and understanding we have gained, then value is being created.  Once value is being established, created, and delivered then wealth and other things become a byproduct of our life.  When they become a byproduct of life then we start to realize it's best not to chase after things and focus on gaining knowledge and understanding and create value.  A byproduct is an unintended result produced in doing or producing something else.  When we center our focus on being a person of value and after gaining knowledge and understanding, then the things we have been chasing become a byproduct of our life.  "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom.  Though it cost all you have, get understanding." (NIV Proverbs 4:7).  




Purpose over Pleasure...