Don't Forget to Have Fun!

I have to be honest and admit that these past few days I have been really hard on myself.  Stressing myself over getting work done and meeting deadlines, and worrying about being worried too much.  I know it isn't healthy and I had to take a look at my own output.  I was feeling stressed out and my energy drained because I was allowing the stress to overcome.  To make matters worse I was carrying the stress into conversations with my friends, and then they started to feel my stress.  It was all too much and so I had to take a hard look at what I was doing to myself, and change it immediately.  I was reminded by two friends of mine that I need to remember to have fun.

Life in itself can be daunting but there should always be joy in what we do.  Some would say easier said than done, but really it can be done.  When you are using your time right, focused on the right things, then why should we stress?  Just because things don't happen at the very moment you want them too doesn't mean nothing will happen.  The work pays off just when it needs to pay off, but when you are doing what is right then just let it be and keep going with a smile on your face.  I put all my trust in the Lord, but I wasn't practicing it because I allowed worry to consume me.  With a reality check and reminders from some great friends...Don't Forget to Have Fun.   


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