Don't Force It, Enjoy It!!!!

What can be more frustrating than when you force yourself into a project or someone else is forcing you into a project.  Don't get me wrong some projects have to happen and there is nothing you can do about it.  Like a project for school or a work project but the projects I am talking about are the ones that are done on your own time.  For me I knew I wanted to do something different outside of the 9-5, but I just needed to figure it out.  I've had people in my life tell me why don't you start training people doing workouts, become a life coach, or become a coach at a high school.  They all sounded good and yea I probably could have done those things, but I knew that if I were to do those things it would be forced.  I enjoy working out, talking to people, and have volunteered my time as a high school coach, but it was never forced.  I do and did those things because it is fun and not forced, but to think of doing it as a project or business doesn't bring me joy.  I will say that I did try and pursue life coaching as a business but instead of it being fun it became frustrating.  There wasn't much challenge in getting everything up and running it just seemed that every time I needed to focus on it I had to force this happiness into myself to even get an ounce of energy to do it.  Right then is when I had to stop what I was doing and not force it.  I had to take the time to think what do I enjoy.  So, I went to my source God and spent time talking with Him to reveal to me what am I called to do.

Once I took that step to take my self out of it and put God's plan first it was then made aware to me what I enjoy doing, and yep that is right I like to write.  Writing out of all the things that I do (minus surfing) was something that I found to enjoy doing and love sharing with everyone I come into contact with.  For me there is nothing more peaceful than to sit in a quiet room with thoughts given to me by God and a pen and paper or computer and just start to write.  But there was something that I found out in writing was that there were times that I felt I was forcing my writing, but after a moment of taking a step back that joy would come back rushing in.  Even in my passion of writing I feel forced at times, but the joy never goes away.  Have you found something that you enjoy doing even if at times it feels forced and frustrating but the joy of it never leaves?


Slow Anger......


What You See is What You Get!!!!