Behind Closed Doors...

Have you ever heard that whatever you do behind closed doors will be revealed or what is done in secret will reveal itself?  For me that was so true and some things that came out and got revealed wasn't all good and I always wondered why I struggled in certain areas of my life.  For me one of my biggest struggles was with money management and I just couldn't get it in order.  I had great paying jobs but for some reason I was always living paycheck to paycheck.  Well, behind closed doors I was the only one that saw how I truly spent my money and it was spent on useless wants that played no purpose.  The only thing these material possessions did for me was dig me deeper and deeper into a money problem.  Until one day it all got revealed when my car was re-possessed.  How does someone who is making six figures with not that many bills get into that situation?  That was a question someone very close to me asked and that is when I realized that my secret has caught up to me.  I didn't know how to manage my money and I could no longer fake the funk, I was caught red handed and everyone now can see.  

It is important that what we do behind closed doors or in secret still aligns with what we need to be properly managing.  Those secrets when done out of alignment not only affects you but will affect the community you have surrounded yourself with.  Instead of me learning proper money management and practicing it correctly I mis-used the process and was more focused on me than we.  It is very crucial that we be careful what we do behind closed doors.  When things are being done behind closed doors that is not in alignment with your relationships or business it effects your community and not just you.  Be sure that what is being done behind closed doors still aligns with needs to be done righteously.  

Smile You're on Camera!!!!


Your plan or His plan?