Drowning Your Seed...

We all know someone or have spoken to someone that just has a green thumb.  It just seems that whatever they plant always flourishes and grows producing the most beautiful plants.  They are able to keep re-producing beautiful plant after beautiful plant.  We also know someone that whenever they try to plant anything it just withers up and dies.  They try their hardest to care for the plant but no matter what they do it just never turns out right.  The difference between someone with a green thumb and someone that just cant figure out how to produce beautiful plants comes down to knowledge.  The person with the green thumb understands the purpose of everything involved to help the seed grow into what it was meant to be.  The person who has trouble growing the seed doesn't fully understand the purpose of everything that will allow the seed to grow.  They expose it with too much sun, plant it in the wrong environment, or over water the plant.  Ask yourself is the seed or your purpose that is within you being handled by someone with a green thumb or being drowned?

We all have a seed within us that needs to be taken care of with the understanding of the purpose of that seed.  But we also have to understand the purposes of other things that will help it to reach its potential.  When we know what our purpose in life is we tend to take that purpose and hit the ground running without truly understand what is the seed going to produce and what do I need for my purpose to reach its maxim potential.  Instead we drown our seed because we don't allow other elements to help play their part to ensure its receiving the proper nutrients.  We all have a purpose that is within us and there is nothing wrong with taking ownership of your purpose, but we also have to make sure that we allow our purpose to reach its potential.  People or things will come along your journey to help your purpose grow, but if we don't know the purpose of the people or things to help then how effective will they be?  We have to understand the purpose and the roles of others and things so that they are properly positioned in helping fulfill your purpose. 

Having Your Faith Checked!!!!!!!


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