Being comfortable with the uncomfortable. Lets just have a little honest moment for a minute. I just don't understand why I keep having moments that bring me out of my comfort zone. For me it has happened many times throughout my life. For some that really know me it might seem odd but I have some uncomfortable moments. See I don't mind being goofy, funny, or just sit and talk with whomever, but there comes a point in some conversations that start to make it uncomfortable. I will let you in on a little secret I don't tend to get too close to people. So, when I am speaking with someone for the first time and its an amazing conversation sometimes they want to exchange contact information, and that then turns it into an uncomfortable situation. I put my guard up and kind of create a little space between us to really feel out the situation. Some would call that a defense mechanism and I would have to agree. For me I want to be the one to control that aspect of it. I will let you into my life a little bit at a time as I please on my time. So, when someone would ask to exchange contact information I immediately go into defense mode. But is that really the correct approach? Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Recently as I have been doing self reflection I think to myself how many great relationships have I never experienced because I go into defense mode?
Being taken out of your comfort zone allows you to experience new things but also allows you to practice just having faith. We are living in an ever changing world and you are changing right along with it. Doing somethings out of your comfort zone might bring a total different outlook on your life. Which then brings a different you to the table a changed person because you took a step of faith into the uncomfortable. For me I am allowing myself to step out into the uncomfortable and letting people in a little more, and I am starting to find it to be very wonderful. Some people I have found just like who I am. It has been more of a blessing to me than to anyone else because I am learning to step more out in faith in my uncomfortable moments. Be comfortable with the uncomfortable, wipe that sweat from your head and have a little faith.