One More...

In a previous blog post I spoke about attitude and how it helps for you to see the lessons in whatever you are going through.  Having the correct attitude will start to change your outlook and will open up doors for you.  No matter if its in the good or bad times having the right attitude is just great.  But we are human and we still have those days of just being tired.  What are we supposed to do during those times?  I know the logical motivational answer is don't give up, don't throw in the towel, but dang it I am tired.  I have those days and had a couple of them this week.  I was tired and didn't want to wake up and go to the gym, I didn't want to come home and write, I didn't want to spend time in His word.  I just didn't want to and that was it.  But still there was that little voice in my head just saying One More over and over and over again.  To the point that I was like OMG it will not shut up until I do what needs to be done.  Yes, I did what was needed to be done.  It would have been good to get some extra rest and sleep in or to take a break and not write, but those weren't the right choices.  What helped me to get past my feelings was finding my One More.  Finding your One More can be with anything in your life.  My One More comes from the wrestling room.  For me wrestling was more than just a sport it helped to push me in my life and still does till this day.  My One More comes from the room consistently pushing yourself to one more rep, because in the back of my head I always had this thought, "I bet my opponent just did one more rep than me just now, so I have to do another (One More)".

See the great thing I have discovered while on my journey of self reflection is that my mindset has been changing.  Not because of all the books and videos I watch, which have helped, but because I am putting in work.  In the past that little voice would say its ok to take a day off and just rest, and that was so much easier because I would justify to myself that yea its ok to rest and be ok with that.  I had to start to change my mindset into that is no longer acceptable and I have to fight against that and keep going.  That led me to finding my One More, that thing where it takes me back to a place where I didn't give up and was a fighter, and that was the wrestling room.  Now, that voice yells over and over again One More, and that is hard to fight.  Find that for yourself, that One More, and shut off the complacent voice and replace it with the One More voice.  


Crisis is Opportunity

