My Priorities!!!

It's the weekend and I need to get my errands done and over with early so I can meet up with my friends for the big game tonight.  My purpose for today is to get everything done so that tonight I can free my mind and enjoy the game knowing that I have done everything that was needed for the day.  I need to make sure that I prioritize my day accordingly to get everything done on time.  I need to go to the gym, eat breakfast, shower, go grocery shopping, clean the house, stop by my parents house, go back home and change, pick up my friends, and then its game time.  Alright, priorities have been set and in order and now time to execute.  If you think about it when we have a goal in mind and know our purpose we make sure that we prioritize accordingly in order to fulfill that purpose for the day or the week.  We do not hesitate to make sure that our priorities align with our daily goals but does our life priorities align with our life purpose? 

When we want something bad enough and we have that burning desire to reach the end we will never get thrown off track until we get to our destination.  In life once you have discovered your purpose you have to start aligning your priorities accordingly.  There are specific priorities that have to be completed to reach the end and those are the priorities we must stick to.  You can't afford to be distracted by other obligations that don't align with your purpose.  Stop and take a look at your calendar or notebook and make sure that what you have prioritized aligns with your life's purpose.  If it doesn't then take some time to make the proper adjustments to get back on track so you stay on track.      


My Fears!!!!


Who Am I?