My Fears!!!!
We all have some fears that we deal with on a daily basis. Some of them can be big and some can be small but no matter what there is a fear that we have. We might be able to get past a few of them, until that fear sneaks around the corner making themselves known. Then, there we are back to operating in fear again and your friends and family can see the change in you and you can feel the change within yourself. But with a little motivational talk and a kick in the butt we are back in the game. Eventually you start to grow past those fears and the road ahead seems clear. But what about the fears that no one knows about. You know that fear that no matter how many books or therapy sessions you go to you just can't get past it. Those are the fears that have to be overcame and those are the fears that we have to use to push us to becoming the best version of ourselves.
My biggest fears I had to overcome and now use as my motivation to conquer each day are silence and disapproval. Yes, I know sounds odd but for the longest I hated silence and hated not being approved. Nothing was worse than to sit in a room in silence, because that means sitting in a room with my thoughts. That was a fear because deep down I knew I wasn't operating in my purpose that God had for my life. It was easier to operate in what the world wanted me to do because that also meant I was getting the approval from everyone. I stayed busy never having to be alone with my thoughts and getting all the approval in the world. In my eyes it was a win win situation never having to face my fears. Until one day the approvals just stopped, and I was forced to sit in silence. For the first time in my life I had to face my deepest fears and I was all alone. I knew I had those fears because I knew I wasn't operating in my purpose, but the most wonderful thing came out of that moment facing my fears. I realized I had those fears and needed those fears to ensure that I was continuously moving forward in my purpose. Now, everyday I sit in silence to make sure that my priorities for the day align with my life's purpose. Everyday I evaluate myself and think would I approve my efforts for today and most importantly would God approve my efforts for the day (was I operating in obedience)? My fears of silence and disapproval are now apart of my daily process, because during this journey to fulfill my purpose its waking up starting each day fresh and new. Allow your fears to be the things that help you to move forward and be productive each day to fulfill your life's purpose.