You vs You

What is better than winning that game, match or contest against your fiercest opponent?  You spend months, weeks, days, and hours putting in hard work to be the winner or be on the winning team.  After winning you walk away with your head high satisfied and happier than ever with accomplishing that goal.  What if in life your actual biggest opponent is YOU?  We live in a time that we are always comparing ourselves to others and trying to be better and do better than "them".  Instead of being in competition with ourselves to be better the next day than we were the last we spend time focused on other people and what they are doing.  What would it be like if we put more competitive focus on ourselves to be better and do better?

By taking the time to be more in competition with ourselves allows us to keep growing and be better each and everyday.  There is nothing wrong with doing your research and seeing what you are up against as it is a smart strategy but it should not be your main focus.  When you are focused too much on what other people are doing and accomplishing you are taking precious time away from your own goals and growth (time that you can't get back).  Be more in competition with yourself and work harder so that the person you are today is better than the person you were yesterday.   


Run Your Race!!!

