I Make Mistakes but I Never Fail!
Going through life you start to make realizations that just maybe make sense. One of the those realizations you eventually get to is that I am not a failure. It might take a minute for that realization to kick in by the way. Well, maybe not a minute maybe more like years but at some point it kicks in but if it hasn't yet for you trust me it will. You are never a failure at a certain thing or life as long as you don't keep making the same decision over and over again that puts you into that bad situation.
At some point in your child hood or adult hood depending on the circumstances you make the decision to start obeying your parents and/or people of authority. I mean why keep being disobedient and suffering the consequences of your failure. When you could have learned from your mistake(s) and stop repeating those behaviors. When you start to learn that you make mistakes in life but you are not a failure comes when you make a mistake but stop repeating those actions. You have to change your mindset and know that while I might make mistakes I never fail.