Stop this Rollercoaster Ride!

What a year 2020 has been and it is nothing short of a year no one will ever forget.  This is the kind of year that will be written in history books.  Don't be surprised many years from now you get that question, "Hey Old man river how did you survive 2020?".  There have been times this year that I think to myself will someone please stop this rollercoaster so that I can get off.  Just being completely burnt out from all the negative news from shutdowns/lockdowns, layoffs and just so many other negative things.  Also, have we not or I know I have heard tough situations make us stronger.  

It gets no tougher than what is going on in our World at this moment.  Times like these make us or YOU stronger, but its also up to YOU to fight through these hard times and build that tough skin.  Its times like these that really allow you to take a look at yourself and be ok with being selfish.  What I mean by being selfish is focusing on being the best version of you and being the strongest version of you.  How can you be supportive for someone else if you are not at your best?  Enjoy this crazy rollercoaster ride and all its loops and crazy turns and build that tough skin.  Don't jump off the ride but it embrace everything it has.  


I Ain't No Punk!!!


Be Your Own Happiness!!!!!