What about my friends?

In my previous post I spoke about my high school friends/teammates and how many of us were playing sports together, and also in the same honor and advanced classes.  Many of those classmates are still friends till this day and I will always be grateful for them in how they challenged me academically and personally.  Even though I really didn't notice that until later in life, but it was noticed.  In your early years of life your parents always tell you to be careful who you associate yourself with.  Its easy to abide by those rules because your friends are apart of the same little bubble.  For the most part you grow up in a certain part of a city and around the same people up until high school.  So, its easier to choose who you want to be friends with and who your parents approve.  As you get older the little world around you becomes massive.

The massive world brings all new experiences and friendships your way and that is when all the parent talks of choose your friends wisely come into play.  You're moving into adulthood and you have this profound sense of I can do whatever and be friends with whom ever I like.  As that might be true isn't crazy that if you take a deep look of all your friends (not acquaintances) are similar.  So, if we have all this adult freedom of choice then why is my tight circle similar.  Maybe its not so much of a mental thinking choice as it is our output and energy we give off that attracts those friends.

I have heard you can tell a lot about someone by the people they hang out with.  In my opinion I believe that because your output attracts certain people and through their actions someone can see a little bit of you.  Even though some of us might be reading this and thinking who cares I am an adult and I can choose to be friends with whoever I want.  As that is true and there is nothing wrong with who are friends with, but take a deep look into your circle of friends.  No matter if you are happy with your current friends or there might be a few bad apples it could be a reflection of your own output.     

Forgive and Move On!


Words/Thoughts have power