Forgive and Move On!

 Life is a rollercoaster ride and sometimes you want to get off the ride and possibly start over again, but in reality that isn't that easy to do.  Also, it might not be the best move.  Throughout life we encounter hurdles and sometimes mountains but what makes us stronger is getting through our obstacles.  We are not perfect and we make mistakes and bad decisions, and I know I have my share of them.  There is a reason why I said mistakes and not failures.  We don't fail at things when we recognize a mistake and vow to not repeat that mistake again and use it as a learning tool.

Through our mistakes and bad decisions we get so down on our self making it harder to run the race we are meant to run.  This only slows us down in doing what we were meant to do on this Earth, but maybe taking a look back into your childhood and re-vamping the mindset might help.  Growing up when you get in trouble at home or school you are taught to apologize to mom, dad, teacher, friend, and just about anyone.  How about apologizing to yourself and forgiving yourself for making that mistake or bad decision, and then move on.

Forgiving yourself for your own actions is personal and might help you to snap out of it, and move on to your next goal and staying on course.  Next time you are down on yourself just take a breath, forgive yourself, and move on.    


Trust Me, Myself, and I!


What about my friends?