Keep It…
When I first got into Healthcare, I was a nurse recruiter for a Home Health Agency, and we had this one RN that always had this saying, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” It made perfect sense to me as nurses needed to keep their skills fresh, so they would have to remain practicing their skills. Whenever mandatory nurse training was coming around the corner so was, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” I can still hear her saying it now and to be honest it plays in my heard over and over again, and I am ok with that. It’s a statement that is universal to whatever old or new skills we might have gained recently, if you don’t put them into practice over time you will lose the skill. But what if I didn’t want to keep it?
There are many skills that I have learned or picked up over the years. Some skills I still have at least enough knowledge to get back started with the basics, and there are some skills that I dropped just as fast as I picked up. Recently I have picked up a new skill and was struggling to know if it was something that I wanted to keep. The whole phrase “If you don’t use it, you will lose it”, really didn’t matter to me at all. I really didn’t know if I wanted to continue doing this, Yes This, Blogging, Writing, Journaling, whatever you want to call it. In my mind it got to a point sitting down and putting thoughts together in structure and order just seemed mundane to me. I was really having a true internal battle if I wanted to keep doing something that was actually bringing me joy, peace, love, but not freedom. I wanted complete freedom and when I started writing I wasn’t free just yet, but the writing was helping me to break free. I was breaking free from many of the mental holds that I placed on myself. I was my biggest enemy at one point, holding myself back from seeing any worth within myself.
When I began to put pen to paper it would be a little tug of war, but before I knew it my hand will be moving a mile a minute. Writing began to help me free myself from my own mental bondage I placed on myself. The more I used It the more self-value I saw within myself. As I continued to write and began to work on my first book my mind began to stay open, stay free. The writing was the right resource needed to help unlock me from all the mental holds and once that happened the world became massive. I was no longer living under this rock, but surrounded by people, by love. As I began to enjoy more freedom, I began to question blogging, writing, journaling. I began to allow the outside to start influencing the resource my God blessed me with. I began to see the blessing as not enough, and I wanted more. In reality I wanted it to set me financially free, and if it wasn’t going to do that than what was the point. “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. I was losing my heart and needed to start using it before I lose.
The peace, joy, love and freedom I feel from whenever I am blogging, writing, journaling is no longer taken for granted. I was looking for a resource to set me financially free while my mental holds still had me locked up on the inside. Any form of writing I am doing is a resource or a tool that allows me to practice and experience peace, joy, love and freedom. If I don’t use it then I will lose it and I almost lost the most important piece, love. As I started to re-focus my efforts back onto love I began to realize there was never a question of Keep It, or Lose It. Was the right heart in it…