Over the past couple of weeks things were moving very slowly. It really felt like everything was moving at a snail’s pace even though my mind was racing around trying to find the answer. It just seemed as if everything in life had no answers, because I couldn’t find the answers. I wanted to get myself out of this rut, but it was hard to break these habits that have formed. Still, it was time to get myself out of this rut.

Things were moving slow because I consistently forced things, ideas that I knew would take time to develop. It wasn’t that everything was moving too slow for me, I was moving too slow. See, I was trying to force things to happen because I decided to procrastinate. When I would be presented with anything that added value I would hesitate and try to dissect the situation. I would end up spending more time thinking than doing. Instead of taking the information and starting to develop a plan to get myself out of a rut, I would end up talking myself deeper into the rut.

This habit of procrastination was forcing this habit of forcing everything to happen at the drop of a hat. I was forcing everything in my life instead of enjoying every faithful step. It felt more like The Last Step instead of the step that leads to the next. I was just always on edge with the pressure of everything and everyone on my shoulders. I could feel the hands of life pushing me along my journey. Every time that I try to take a break and breathe, I can’t catch my breath. Everything just feels forced, nothing is put together. There is no structure…There is no order…My procrastination has led to a forced life.

This wasn’t the life my God designed for anyone to live, so why am I choosing it for myself? I knew that I wouldn’t choose this life for myself, but it was hard to have any say in life’s decisions when I kept ignoring life’s advice. God placed so many people and their words in my path to allow me to live a stress-free life, but still procrastination was there. Still, I was there in the way. God was placing people and their words in my life so that I could enjoy this life that He intended for all of us to enjoy. Instead of trying to force life at the last minute we are made to enjoy life up until the last minute. I had to eliminate procrastination so that I could enjoy life up until the last minute. I had to eliminate procrastination so I could eliminate this forcefield I placed around myself. This unbreachable field that I knew was holding back the right words from the right people at the right time. It was time for me to remove this force field from a life that doesn’t even belong to me. God placed abilities within all of us to be shared and served to everyone, and it would be hard to know exactly what that is if I remained selfish.

Life isn’t made to be forced at the last minute; life is made to be lived up until the last minute. I knew that if I was to get out of this rut of a forced life, I was to take responsibility for this wonderful life that God blessed me with. It was time to enjoy life the way that God intended and manage the resources brought my way. It was time to remove this force field…It was time to eliminate procrastination and live an unforced life.

“Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.” (Psalm 100:4)


Love, Unexplainable…


Choices In Time…