The Intersection....
By definition an intersection is a place where two or more roads meet. Living in Los Angeles our intersections are so congested with many people on the move to their next destination. Some of us are headed towards the same way and others a different path. Do we all know exactly where we are going? Or are some of us lost and just driving around with no clear direction but have too much pride to ask for help?
I started with an example of an intersection because as we follow the path of life it takes us to these intersections. These life intersections, where we should be connecting with others and giving each other the right advice to stay on the right road. Instead we see life more like driving during rush hour. Everyone more focused on themselves and the plan they see best fit. We turn on our GPS and ask for directions, but in our mind we think I will take this path instead because it feels more comfortable and familiar. Not knowing that the path given to you was so you can meet with someone else at the intersection. This connection was going to give you valuable advice but instead you relied on your own understanding. In turn your path, while it might seem more comfortable and familiar has scrambled your GPS and throwing it off course. Until you get back on the right path your GPS has lost connection with you. It is waiting for you to get back on course so that you can continue to the proper intersection.
Proverbs 15:22 "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." The intersections we come across in life are designed so that the plan He has for us can be accomplished.