Small Things Add Up.

When you go to the beach or the next time you go to the beach pick up some sand, and pull out one grain of it.  That little grain of sand when combined with all the other grains help to make that wonderful beach you are standing on.  All those little small things add up to one giant beach that in some places can go on for miles.  When you start to add up all the small things it grows into this one bug huge thing.  We have to understand that doing the little things while working in our purpose add up to the big final picture.  We can't forget about the small things along the way while we are on our journey, because when you forget to do the small things, the tiny grains of sand start to disappear, and then the beach or your work starts to fade away.  We get so caught up in the process we start to make little sacrifices here and there thinking to ourselves we can skip that step this time.  Before you know it that little step you skipped starts to effect your work, it might have been small but it was a crucial point in your purpose.  Then, you start to wonder why does my work seem a little off, why is it not producing the way it has before?  Well, because you took a small grain away and you keep taking it away over and over again, slowly eroding away at your work.

This is something that I work on daily, and that is to make sure that I keep doing the small things that helped me along my journey to fulfilling my purpose.  I will say that I have found out the hard way that when I do neglect the small things it becomes hard for me to write, and my thinking process is just off.  At times I have forced myself to put out content but it just didn't feel good, and the reason was I kept avoiding the small things that helped to bring quality and worth to my process.  While you are out their working in your purpose don't forget the small things.  Stop the erosion.


What is holding YOU back?


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