Who are You Feeding?
We all have felt this tug at some point in our life, whichever side you feed more will always win the tug of war. No matter how many motivational books you read, or podcast you try to listen to, the side you feed more will always be victorious. You might be able to fool everyone around you, but you can never fool yourself because deep down you know which side gets more of your attention. It's a choice between feeding the side that says we can do that later or the side that says lets do that now.
Your flesh wants you to dive deep into fulfilling all of its needs. You want to feel apart of the crowd so you go to the parties, spend your time around people and things that bring no value except for fulfilling temporary desires. Once that desire has been filled for that moment, you are ok, but then the filling of emptiness comes back so you are right back at it again feeding the flesh, ensuring its getting what it needs when it needs it. The thing about the flesh is it lives in the now moment. It doesn't care about what this will do to you in the future because it wants to be feed now and needs its fulfillment.
There is this other side that also wants to be feed. Unlike the flesh this side has already seen your end, has seen the greatness that is already within you, and now it wants to give you the roadmap. This side requires work, sacrifice, faith, trust, honesty, and a willingness to make the right choice not just the good choice everyday. Just like the flesh it to wants to be feed, but this side allows you to make the choice to choose it. This side wont leave you feeling alone or empty, all it requires is for you to make the right choice everyday and be consistence. This side in the world's eyes doesn't look glamourous, but to you and others that have made the right choice you get to experience freedom. This side has already seen your end and wants you to enjoy all the freedom, joy, peace, and love that comes with it.
The choice has always been yours and still is yours, and it is never too late. But just know that whatever side you feed more will win. You either make the right choice or the good choice.