Progress Has Stalled...
Are you effectively managing your life? How is your time management skills, money management, and just all around life being managed? I ask these things because I have asked myself the same questions over and over again. Still with the same result in that I feel that I am making progress but then it stalls, and I couldn't figure it out. Well, to be honest I couldn't figure it out because deep down I knew there were parts not being managed properly and I didn't want to address the issues. Until I focused and worked on my personal management skills I was going to keep stalling. How could God bless me with more if I couldn't properly manage the little He did give me? It seems easy but until we are honest with ourselves or until I was honest with myself I was just stuck in this revolving door of improperly managing everything in my life. I needed to focus on my purpose, but would let distractions win. I needed to manage my money properly, but the things I wanted came before what I needed. I managed to put things first that have no relevant growth towards the purpose He has for my life. I had to make a choice either keep improperly managing my life or discover how to properly manage my life.
I am not perfect and still make mistakes, but I am quick to recognize when something is out of alignment with my life's purpose and need to re-focus my personal management skills in the right direction. To be honest it isn't easy always making the hard decision to put my life's purpose ahead of my wants, but I know it's the right decision. At some point we just get tired of making the same mistakes over and over again, and at some point we do the right thing. What makes it worth everything is when the right decision becomes second nature and just a natural thing to do without much thought. Having areas in your life keep stalling starts to take away your focus from your purpose. Take a hard honest look at how you are managing your life and get it in order so that it doesn't cause you to be distracted from your purpose.